Sunday, November 23, 2008

Give me the Internet key ! I have to go !

It was just an adventure. A "big brother" adventure. 1 micro and 13 cameras. We were filmed during 32 hours in a little english class. It was like a reality show but with a lot differences.

It was interesting to work like that. I had the impression to work more than if I had "classical teachings" but it's also strange because I've not the habit of learning english thanks to this process.

It symbolizes also the evolve of teachings. The Internet evolves so a lot of social aspects evolve too.

It was my first blogue and I realize that I enjoy expressing myself thanks to this means.
I'll think that I'll create a website or another blogue because It's really funny.
So :
- "It was a real human adventure" **
- "I thank my public" **
Hum....But who is the winner ?
** These are classical sentences used by all contestants in all reality shows

The Web in my future

The Internet is a media which evolves quickly. We can imagine a lot of uses in the future. In fact, if the Internet evolves, uses too. In this post, it's like "new years"... These are my "new resolutions" for using Internet in my future.

- Chatting a lot !
Firstly, I just want to talk about uses in my private life. I'm sure that I'll continue to chat with people in order to meet them. As a matter of fact, I chat since two years and I think it's really interesting to get in touch with people like that. Maybe, I'll meet more persons. Moreover, it's really interesting to understand their behavior on the Internet. It's like a psychological phenomenon.

- Being more famous !
Then, I really want to create a website about me. It's not narcissism ! Indeed, I just want to create a buzz around me to develop a kind of "fame" but the word is too "hard". I don't want to sell my body on the Internet to be more "fame". I want to create a real content, maybe around medias. I think it could be an interesting experience to understand the process of media coverage.

- Madness
Finally, I'm dominated by my imagination. Thanks to the Internet, I'll hope there will be a kind of magic which permit us having the ubiquity donation !
Even if it exists in the Internet (We can speak with a lot of people, exchange different informations...) I'll hope it will be possible physically. :) A joke...

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Internet in my job

Internet can be used in our professional life. In other words, we can use e-culture and communication in our job, for our work.

- Basis
The use depends on the job I’ll do. If I work in an audiovisuel company, for a television program, I can use it to find some pieces of information about a subject I’ll treat.

For example, if I’ll work for a theme like “the anorexia”, I’ll have to find some figures about this subject. Then, I can communicate with our witnesses who participate to the television program.

In this case, the Internet can be used to keep contact with our witnesses. I remember an internship where I really used the Internet to exchange informations about witnesses. Thanks to the e-mail, they sent us pictures of them for the program.

-Imagine I'll work as a "free-lance"
These are the basis of using the Internet in my job.
However, we can take more examples. In some jobs, we only have to work on the web. If I work as a "free-lance", the Internet will be my main tool. I can create a website. In this case, all day long I will be on the Internet to update news for example.

The Internet will be a many-sided tool in my professional life.
We just have to respect some rules. Even if the Internet give us the impression that we can exchange all informations, sometimes, we have to respect some private informations.

Finding a job thanks to the Internet

Internet can be used in our private life. However, it could be used in our professional life to find a job. Thanks to this means, I would like to find a job.
In order to reach this goal, I would like to use some special websites like “Monster”:
First, I’ll have to find a job announce in order to answer it. I’ll send a CV with a motivation letter. I already use this process to find an internship. It offers great opportunities.

Moreover there are other means to find a job on the Internet. As a matter of fact, I can go to all companis’ websites to send spontaneous candidature to apply to a job. In this case, I just have to find the adress of an employee to send an e-mail.

Finally, I can create a blog and a CV on-line in order to make a buzz around different companies. For example, I can use our wiki in English if I want to find a job abroad.

Correction of the text

Currently, I work in a company which has 65 employees. It is located in Paris in the 15th arrondissement in the street named "Rue Maubert". Its goal is to commercialize children’s softwares.

It receives a grant from the state to hire young interns. That is how I received my job which is titled "executive". At the first time, my job’s title was "marketing manager", but I changed job.

We sell a range of products with the brand "Youngsoft". We have many charges associated with marketing. Our posting in the metro is one of the most expensive. Our PR department also has a very large budget. We realize our own ads with our redaction staff, and we make our own edition of user manuals.

Our quarterly results for this year have been all very positive. Our market is very interesting right now, and that is why we gain funds.

We want to commercialize our products in Tahiti because we think metropolitan customers would be interested in buying them.

To resume, thanks to our positive deontology and interesting market niche, we’ll have a rosy future.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Internet as a saviour

Today, we have to make a point about e-culture. On this blog, I wrote different posts about this Internet characteristic. We have to remember that e-culture is the symbol of free culture. In other words, it means that we can have access to the culture without paying anything.
It’s also a means to broadcast a lot of news and it can be used to sort out a major international problem.

- Global warming
In fact, we can take the example of global warming which is a serious issue. It concerned everybody. That’s why, more and more companies use this tool to communicate about climate change. We can quote a not for profit company which name is “climate change solutions”: . This is only a web platform. It has different goals :
- Developing and promoting sustainable local and global climate change solutions.
- Developing a broad based public, private and community partnership with a view to maximising engagement and participation of the mainstream in local and global climate change solutions.

- Internet : a means to solve a problem
To my mind, this kind of process can solve a major international problem. As a matter of fact, Internet is a real tool to create proximity with people. It can touch our intimate sphere even if it deals with a public problem. This is a means to give us a sense of responsibility.

- Creating a "transparency strategy"
Moreover, different means are used to reach this goal. In fact, global warming is a complex issue so it has to generalize it to be more popular. In fact, Internet is a good tool to create a transparency strategy. For global warming, this strategy is necessary because it permits explaining a difficult issue which has a lot of scientist concepts.

- Participation of people
Finally, Internet is a good means to increase people in actions. It means that they can participate to the struggle against global warming. It creates a community because we know that Internet is an interactive place.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

B to B and B to C

- Real and virtual world
All companies have a website to sell their products, to purpose their services. We can take the example of “Darty” . They have “real” stores where they sell their products, but also a website which permit creating virtual transactions. This is a means to make money thanks to Internet. It’s a strategy used to increase the turnover of the company.

Moreover, some companies have just a website to sell their products. It’s the case of “Rueducommerce”. They only have a virtual relation with their clients. It doesn’t exist any real stores. This is a new strategy created since some years with the “boom” of Internet.

- The commercial aspect of Internet at the beginning of its creation
I just want to say that, when Internet was created, all commercial aspect were forbidden. It was just a network considered as a means of exchange but without sales.

- News !
Incredible : I received this pop-up just after the english class :

Making money on the Internet to help people

- Mucoviscidose
Associations used also Internet to make money. Yet, goals are different.
We can take the example of the website This is a website association which struggle against the mucoviscidose, a fatal illness.
In this case, they use website to collect money in order to fight against this disease.

- Fundraising principle
Another example : the fundraising principle. It’s the process of soliciting and gathering money by taking donations from individuals, businesses, charitable foundations, or governmental agencies. It refers to efforts to gather funds for non-profit organizations, the identification and solicitation of investors or other sources of capital for-profit enterprises.

These efforts are organized on local and national. Sometimes, like funds will go exclusively toward assisting the basic needs of others, while money may at other times be used only for evengelism. Religious organizations mix the two and it can sometimes cause tension.

Cash for you !

« Money » is the obsession of our society. More and more people want to get money.
Internet can be a good means to reach this goal. In fact, it can be used by amateur people, it means teenagers or students, to make money.
What kind of creation can be a tool to aim this goal ?

- Making money on blogs
First, we can take the example of blogs. At the beginning, there was used to speak about ourselves, but now more and more people created blogs to be in business. We can quote people who make X-Blog to sell DVD or erotic objects.
They have to do a buzz. Then, when they are more famous, they can begin to sell. Then, people use also blog to create a fame around them. It's the case of "Jeremstar" a student who lives in Lyon. First, it has created his blog to be more famous. Now he sells products on it (T-shirt, cards of him...).

- E-bay
Moreover, it exists other means to make money. “E-bay” is the symbol of commercial democratisation. It means there is a new model which is developing. The principle of “E-bay” is to sell our personal objects. It redefines the commercial model B to B. We are in a C to C model. It means that amateur people can have a commercial activity towards amateur people too.

- The example of "my major company"
Finally, we can take the instance of the website “my major company”. It’s a tool used by people who want to sing. Thanks to it, they can make money to create a song project. It’s amazing because it’s above all people like you and me who can give money to these new artists. This process redefine all roles of musical industry.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Being a TV presentator....or not

Do you believe that it's the beginning of the glory ?
I think it's the beginning of the worst of my non-existent career on television...

Everybody think it's really easy to present a tv program. More and more people just want to have this kind of experience. In fact, it's paradoxical because we have a lack of transparency in this kind of job. It means that we don't know exactly what are the demands of it.

I had this experience in a event organised by Emmanuel Chain, a famous TV journalist. First, I presented the weather forecast. We had a "brief" before presenting it. The most difficult is that it's an ad-libbing presentation. I didn't have any maps to see the France. I just had a television which permited having some markers. In fact, it was really hard to adjust my body with the map.

Yet, when I presented presidential election it was different. We had a teleprompter with the text. I just have to read the text. But there was other problems : the body language !